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中文摘要: 分别采用管式杀菌、微滤膜杀菌及微滤膜杀菌与巴氏杀菌相结合 3 种杀菌方式处理牛乳,对其热敏性成分的 变化进行研究。测定结果表明:从杀菌效果考虑,向牛乳中加入乳清蛋白和维生素(包括水溶性维生素和脂溶性维生 素),3 种杀菌方式均能达到较高的杀菌率微滤膜+巴氏杀菌结合的处理方式的杀菌率低于微滤膜除菌及管式杀菌。从 营养物质的损失率考虑,管式杀菌处理对乳清蛋白的损失率与其它两种方式相比,影响显著,且营养物质的损失率随着 管式杀菌温度的升高而增大。相对于乳清蛋白中的乳铁蛋白和 IgG 成分,3 种杀菌方式对 α-乳白蛋白、β-乳球蛋白的损 失率影响较小。 向牛乳添加的 4 种类型的水溶性维生素相比,3 种杀菌方式对维生素 B1 的损失率影响最小。 但高温(142 ℃) 处理的管式杀菌方式对 4 种水溶性维生素的损失率影响均显著。3 种杀菌方式对脂溶性维生素的损失率的影 响高于对水溶性维生素的影响,尤其对维生素 E 的损失率的影响较显著。
Abstract:The heat sensitive composition in milk with the different process mode of UHT sterilization, Micro- filtration membrane sterilization, Pasteurization with Microfiltration membrane sterilization were researched. With different treatment modes of methods of sterilization could able to achieve high sterilizing rate. UHT steril- ization had obvious affect to sterilizing rate of lactoferrin, and the affect change higher when temperature of UHT was higher. Compared with lactoferrin and IgG in Lactalbumin, all of three modes of sterilization had no signifi- cant effect to α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin. With the addition of water soluble vitamin, the sterilization rate of three modes of sterilization to vitamin B1 was less than other vitamin, but high temperature of UHT (142 ℃)had obvious affect to sterilizing rate of water soluble vitamin. Consider to fat soluble vitamin, three
modes of sterilization had obvious affection, especially vitamin E.
keywords: milk microfiltration membrane sterilization pasteurization sterilization UHT sterilization heat sensitive composition lactalbumin vitamin
文章编号:201609031 中图分类号: 文献标志码:A